Blog: New Year


Another year has passed and Banff has suffered an economic setback from Covid-19. Hotels are struggling and some businesses are on the verge of closing for good. Is this a bad thing? On the one hand, many are out of work, others are struggling financially, and the economic landscape is changing. But if you were to ask the landscape what it thought, it might breathe a little sigh of relief. For at least one year man hasn't kept up his unrelenting advance in occupying Banff. Of course, this will be all but over in a few months, and I imagine the spring back in visitors will be strong, from people desperate to get away from their confinement. Then it will be back to the status quo.

The push and pull between man and nature will continue, and the advocates on both sides will keep fighting. There is no clear answer. I'm human too, and while enjoying Banff, I make an impact on it just by being there and insisting that roads be kept up, businesses stay opened, and garbage bins be emptied. I do not agree with the nature advocate who insists on restricting man's access in Banff while selfishly continuing to enjoy it. Nor do I agree with the tourism industry and parks who would like to see the number of visitors increase year after year. But perhaps infrastructure can be reduced to give the visitor more of a natural experience, and maybe Parks can reduce the amount of international marketing which brings visitors from around the world, even while allowing unfettered access to all areas in Banff.